Golf courses Wisconsin Williams Bay George Williams College Golf Course

George Williams College Golf Course

350 N Lake Shore Dr, Williams Bay, Wisconsin, 53191
Type: Public
No. Holes: 18
Architect: -
George Williams College Golf Course, Williams Bay, Wisconsin, 53191 - Golf Course Photo
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Detailed description of George Williams College Golf Course

George Williams College Golf Course is a Public 18 hole golf course located in Williams Bay, Wisconsin.

The George Williams College Golf Course is one of the oldest public courses in Wisconsin. It was created in 1900 with only one hole and expanded to 18 holes in 1918. The golf course began as a dream of professors at Yerkes Observatory and the YMCA staff of the George Williams College. Six holes were laid out by Dr. James Naismith (who also invented basketball) as a summer diversion for the busy gentleman. By 1906, there were nine holes open to the public and by 1918, the course had expanded to 18 holes through a gift by S.B. Chapin. The Gramley Clubhouse was built and dedicated in 1929.

George Williams College Golf Course was designed for the beginning to the intermediate player. The course is ideally designed for adults, juniors and families who are interested in learning how to play golf or would like to practice their game.

In addition, this beautiful, tree-lined course lies in the shadows of the world-famous Yerkes Observatory as seen from holes 2 and 3.

This course has a short front nine (2263 yards). The back nine is 20% longer (2803 yards). The back nine was built on more hilly terrain and features narrower fairways. than the front nine.

Par for the course is 68. From the back tees the course plays to 5066 yards. From the forward tees the course measures 4721 yards. The longest hole on the course is # 18, a par-5 that plays to 482 yards. The shortest hole on the course is # 4, a par-3 that plays to 97 yards from the back tees.

Watch out for # 3, a 400 yard par-5 challenge and the #1 handicap hole on the course. The easiest hole at George Williams College Golf Course is # 16, a 105 yard par-3.

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